Hundreds of years ago, the Inca people considered this ancient grain a sacred food
“Quinoa has exploded in popularity from a strictly health-food shop item to appearing on the menus of many cafes and restaurants. Sacred to the Incas, it was such a critical component of their diet that it is referred to as the “mother of all grains’’ Dr. LIbby
Quinoa contains several plant compounds that may benefit health in a number of ways.
Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and makes a nutritious choice for people who want to or need to cut gluten from their diet. Unlike gluten-free products made with refined ingredients, quinoa is a good source of nutrients that gluten-free diets often lack.
Contains fiber, folate, zinc, and as well magnesium!
Quinoa is often referred to as a complete protein. This is because it contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body can’t make on its own.
Quinoa is a good source of protein, providing 8 grams per cup. Doesn't matter if it's not cooked or cooked. Combined with its protein content, quinoa is a perfect addition for any athlete and could be used pre or post training. In fact because of its beneficial nutrient profile and protein content, quinoa is a great addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is easy to prepare and is often cooked using the absorption method.